Call for ParticipationLinked Pasts 5: back to the (re)sourcesBordeaux, 11-13 December 2019DescriptionLinked Pasts is an annual symposium dedicated to facilitating practical and pragmatic developments in Linked Open Data in History, Classics, Geography, and Archaeology. It brings together leading exponents of Linked Data from academia, the Cultural Heritage sector as well as providers of infrastructures and library services to address the obstacles to, and issues raised by, developing a digital ecosystem of projects dedicated to interlinking online resources about the past. Initiated in 2015 at King’s College London, the second Linked Pasts symposium took place the following year at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia in Madrid. In 2017 it crossed the sea to the Stanford Humanities Centre and then returned to Europe last year, to the Mainz Centre for Digitality in the Humanities and Cultural Studies (mainzed). This year, Linked Pasts moved to the South-West of France and will take place at the Institute Ausonius, University Bordeaux Montaigne, from 11 to 13 December 2019. Linked Pasts has given researchers and professionals from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to share ideas, methods, and workflows in the light of their own experiences and expertise -- on the one hand interrogating current technical challenges, and on the other, working towards collective approaches to solving them.
Linked Pasts 5: back to the (re)sourcesThis year’s symposium aims to centre on the questions of sources, understood here both in terms of ancient/‘historical’ sources, and in terms of data (re)source used in digital, LOD-related projects. We would like to focus on how, and why it is important to link back to the sources, as those are where the historical objects we are dealing with originate from. In this perspective, one target identified for this year is the consolidation of data models related to place, people, and historical sources, especially on how to model relationships between instances from these three classes. This will be addressed through one panel on Places (keynote: Carmen Brando Lebas) and another on People (keynote: Charlotte Roueché), each followed by a breakout session.
The second aim of Linked Pasts 5 is to debate on infrastructures and LOD implementation. This key question will be addressed through a keynote by Gautier Poupeau (Institut national de l’Audiovisuel [INA], France; @lespetitescases), and a round-table gathering actors from national and supra-national infrastructures (Archaeology Data Service, DARIAH, dataforhistory.org and Huma-Num). We hope this will be the opportunity to share the best practices and present to the conference attendees potential solutions for data storing and publication. Hackathons and tutorials on LOD theoretical approach and toolsWe will start the conference with a session where you will be able to participate in a hackathon or attend tutorials on LOD theoretical approaches and tools (see Call for participation below). There also will be a ‘rolling’ hackathon (running in parallel to breakout sessions) named LinkedPipes, which will be dedicated to tools and workflows, with the aim of producing a set of resources for people who want to do LOD. Linked Pasts 5 will also provide an extensive poster session (see below), followed by a reception. Call for Participation - Extended deadlineThe Linked Pasts 5 welcomes Posters and Tutorials on LOD tools. PostersIf you would like to present a poster, please submit an abstract (300 words maximum) to the Program Committee by 11:59pm HST 18 October 2019 (https://linkedpasts5.sciencesconf.org/user/submissions; you have to be registered first: https://linkedpasts5.sciencesconf.org/registration). Presenters will be notified of acceptance by 1 November 2019. Introductive workshops / tutorialsIf you would like to give a tutorial on the tool(s) you are developing, please send to linkedpasts5@sciencesconf.org a brief outline with full contact information, presenting your tool and what you intend to cover within a two hour time. Please mention any requirement for technical support. The deadline for submitting workshops and tutorials is 11:59pm HST, 18 October 2019, with notice of acceptance by 1 November 2019.
Contact: linkedpasts5@sciencesconf.org Linked Pasts 5 is supported by the Pelagios Network, ERC-StG 716375 PATRIMONIVM, Institut Ausonius, labex LaScArBx and the University Bordeaux Montaigne.
More information can be found at https://linkedpasts5.sciencesconf.org/ |